
Grant Awards

Supported by two endowments and generous donors, we work to remove barriers and help women and girls in our community thrive.

Learn more about our grants and awards.

2024 Grantees

Bridges Health for Women’s Health*—Bridges Health will implement an evidence-based educational intervention that provides culturally appropriate sex education using an innovative app. This program will reach girls and women ages 14+ in Trempealeau and Houston County, focusing on girls and women who self-identify as Latina.

Dual Doula and CHW in Monroe County*—To provide complete care and services to families experiencing a housing crisis, Families First will provide Doula training for a current Community Health Worker (CHW). This CHW will then be able to help identify and secure housing, support the health and pregnancy needs of their female clients, and ensure all basic needs are met.

Empower Her *—Western Technical College’s Empower Her program promotes self-sufficiency in women—with an additional focus on low-income, justice-involved mothers and otherwise marginalized women—by mitigating educational barriers. The project assists with certification/licensure fees, supplies, assessments, background check fees, housing, transportation, and other unexpected expenses.

Empowering Our Community (EOC): Enhancing Resources, Connection, & Programs in the 7 Rivers Region*—This project aims to bolster resources and support for femme-identified LGBTQ individuals in the Seven Rivers region through three main strategies: expanding gender-affirming resources, creating a family-friendly environment, and developing femme-centered programming. The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection will use funds to enhance services like the Fresh Out of the Closet program, improve family-friendly spaces, provide age-appropriate essentials, and increase programming while fostering a stronger sense of community and inclusion.

Ethnic Hair Kits—First Teen Clothes Closet (FTCC) will purchase specialized hair care products for teens with Afro-textured hair. This project provides essential hair care products to teens in financial need and recognizes that people have different hair and skin needs. Where possible, products will be purchased through a Black businesswoman in the haircare industry.

Farm to Early Care and Education Conference for Child Care Professionals—The Parenting Place will host a Childcare Conference in October 2024 centered around Farm to Early Care and Education. This conference will be an all-day event held in La Crosse that will support these, primarily women, business owners in implementing Farm to ECE practices to support child nutrition, the financial viability of their business, and children’s social and emotional well-being. The event will be designed to offer networking opportunities for ongoing support.  

Health Education for Girls & Young Women in La Crosse—Planned Parenthood of Western Wisconsin will partner with educators and wellness staff at middle/high schools, local colleges (UW La Crosse, Viterbo, Western Tech), and nonprofit agencies to provide education and outreach reaching 2,500 youth and adults (54% girls/women) in La Crosse. The project will empower girls/young women to make healthy choices as they enter adulthood and improve access to barrier methods that prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. 

Hope Restores Girls’ Groups**—Hope Restores offers two support groups for African American girls five times a year, eight weeks each, impacting 100 girls. It’s essential to build healthy mental health habits at an early age. Through a supportive community, young Black girls connect with others who look like them, connect with community resources and education, and reconnect with their selves to build lives that promote thriving. Little Women of Melanin gathers girls ages 5-10 and the Girls Group ages 11 to 18.  

La Crosse Moms United—Since December 2018, the La Crosse System of Care has hosted monthly groups, training and social activities that serve as a place for self-care, support and resource sharing for marginalized moms and female caregivers living in La Crosse. The SOC provides meals, childcare, and transportation, as needed, to help eliminate barriers to participation. This project intends to continue these groups to create opportunities and change for women who otherwise would not have a voice.

New Horizons Survivors Fund 2024—New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers provides financial assistance to victims and survivors of abuse through their Survivors Fund. The Survivors Fund is an unrestricted pot of money that enhances victims’ safety and empowers recipients toward self-sufficiency and financial stability.

Path To Healing: A Women’s Support Group for Survivors—Bluff Country Family Resources started an in-person, all-female support group for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in August 2023 and has seen great success with clients building supportive relationships with one another and our facilitators. A strong foundation of trust and vulnerability has been established between these clients, and they are now moving toward more healing-centered work. This work will be achieved by using several different methods of acceptance and resilience work.

REAL GIRLS- State Road Edition!**—REAL Girls is a 10-week after-school program for State Road 4th and 5th-grade girls. Regular meetings will do several things intended to invest in girls’ and convey the message, “You are worth it!” Our goals are to encourage and support girls, introduce them to healthy opportunities, give them a safe place to discuss their struggles, practice leadership skills, and challenge them physically to train for and participate in a 5K race.

REAL Girls Running Program*—Rising Athletes will implement the REAL Girls Program in multiple elementary schools in the School District of La Crosse. The program consists of two weekly meetings where girls train to run a 5K. Along with the training, these meetings will allow girls to develop essential skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and perseverance as they work towards a goal.

Restorative Practices*—YWCA La Crosse will support and expand Justice Circles to include Empower Girls, which promotes conflict resolution and open dialogues and works to reduce systemic and institutional discrimination through restorative practices in schools. Research shows this approach is particularly beneficial for female students, especially in light of the CDC report in 2023, which found this demographic group is currently struggling with mental health more than any other group.

She Hlub Support Group for Hmoob Girls and Young Women*—Cia Siab, Inc.’s She Hlub centers on the needs of Hmoob girls and young women (age 12-24) who identify as survivors of interpersonal and institutional violence. The program provides free round-trip transportation, fresh Hmoob food, on-site childcare, and thoughtful opportunities for culturally grounded discussions and healing activities at each weekly peer support group meeting. We intend to supplement our weekly programming with one survivor-led overnight educational retreat each year.

Training and Mentoring for Women Entrepreneurs**—The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Support Corporation (WWBIC) will provide 15 women entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in La Crosse County with one-on-one business mentoring, training, and access to responsible capital. This project aims to increase the success rate of women-owned businesses and promote economic growth and empowerment for women entrepreneurs through one-on-one mentorship with La Crosse area entrepreneurial experts.

WINN (What I Need Now)*—WINN is a mobile mission outreach to the unsheltered in our region. It serves homeless adult women and men where they are in the community, providing immediate relief supplies and ongoing support through referrals to supportive community agencies that offer shelter, housing, healthcare and employment. Supplies will be specific to women and include bottled water, non-perishable food, hygiene products and essential clothing items. WINN also meets individual needs, such as exact size/particular clothing as needed.

Women in Crisis Fund*—Administered by La Crosse County, the Women in Crisis Fund is a limited-time fund designated to fill identified gaps in community resources. This flexible fund is a last resort after all other known options have been thoroughly investigated. It eliminates barriers and provides a pathway to financial self-sufficiency.

Women’s Transportation Fund—Administered by La Crosse County, the Women’s Transportation Fund exists to aid women experiencing transportation-related barriers. These challenges negatively impact their ability to carry out daily needs, work toward school or employment-related goals, and maintain self-sufficiency. The fund offers flexible funding to meet a variety of transportation-related needs. Over the past 20 years, approximately 1,658 women have benefitted from the Women’s Transportation Fund by receiving various transportation-related assistance.

Video Security Camera, Bras and Sanitary Products Project—The Women’s Clothes Closet (WCC) provides a unique shopping expeirience will use funds to pruchase a video security camera to ensure the safety of volunteers and clients and to purchase high-demand items such as sanitary products and bras.

Women’s Craft Program—The Women’s Craft Program is a step in the Coulee Recovery Center’s commitment to fill the gap in local gender-responsive addiction and recovery services. Facilitated by a woman in long-term recover, the Craft Program has become an asset to those who rely on mentorship, fellowship, self-confidence building, and sober recreational opportunities. This program has encouraged others with the skill of crafts to share their expertise and provide learning opportunities for others without asking for compensation.

*New in 2024

**Helen K. Laux Field of Interest Fund

2023 Grantees

Advancing Women in the Workforce (AWW) – Western Technical College’s AWW focuses on promoting self-sufficiency in low-income women and marginalized single mothers through education and mitigating barriers women face. The project helps with certification/licensure fees, supplies, assessments, background check fees, and other unexpected expenses. Additionally, the project will expand its support for single mothers and increase peer support for single mothers through holding events and proactively programming outreach.

CASA for Kids – The mission of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is to support and promote court-appointed volunteer advocacy so every child who has experienced abuse or neglect can be safe, have a permanent home, and have the opportunity to thrive. Their vision is a world where every child who has experienced abuse or neglect can thrive in a safe and loving home. Their local program serves La Crosse, Monroe, and Vernon counties.

Empowering Health Education for Girls & Young Women in La Crosse – Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin will partner with educators and wellness staff at middle/high schools, UW-La Crosse, Viterbo, and Western Tech, and nonprofit agencies to provide education and outreach (including distribution of barrier methods) reaching 4,000 youth and adults (50% girls/women) in La Crosse. The project will empower girls/young women to make healthy choices as they enter adulthood and improve access to barrier methods that prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections.

Farm to Early Care and Education Conference for Child Care Professionals – The Parenting Place will host a Childcare Conference centered around Farm to Early Care and Education. This conference will be an all-day event held in La Crosse that will support these, primarily women, business owners in implementing Farm to ECE practices to support child nutrition, the financial viability of their business, and children’s social and emotional well-being. The event will be designed to offer networking opportunities for ongoing support.  

Housing and Stabilizing Homeless Families – Family Promise of Monroe County is a family homeless shelter in Monroe County, WI. The key to their success is case management, which involves several possible services in our homeless prevention, diversion, shelter, and housing stabilization programs. They select the services in each program that will most impact a family’s success. Funding will be used to provide resources to families so they may build skills to help them overcome future hardships without being overwhelmed and prevent them from returning to homelessness.

La Crosse Logan High School FEM Club – Acknowledging the need for free and accessible period products for their students, Logan High School’s FEM club will use funds to purchase menstruation and hygiene supplies for Logan School Period Packs.

La Crosse Moms United – Since December 2018, the La Crosse System of Care (SOC) has hosted monthly groups, trainings and social activities that serve as a place for self-care, support and resource sharing for marginalized moms/caregivers living in La Crosse. The SOC provides a meal, childcare and transportation as needed to help eliminate barriers to participation. This project intends to continue these groups to create opportunities and change for women who otherwise would not have a voice.

Raising & Empowering Authentic Leaders Girls (REAL Girls) – REAL Girls is a comprehensive, five-week character-building program offered to 4th-5th grade girls at Northside Elementary/Coulee Montessori and State Road Elementary Schools. The program addresses issues our young girls face and encourages physical activity. Life skills training topics include hygiene, bullying, healthy eating and self-defense. Confidence building happens through regular running and training for a 5K race.

SPARK! – SPARK! is a cultural program for people with early to mid-stage memory loss and their care partners, the majority being women. Programs are designed to keep participants actively engaged in their communities by providing experiences that stimulate conversations, provide peer support and inspire creativity through creative engagement, workshops and programs. SPARK! programs are FREE for families to attend together in a comfortable environment led by specially trained staff and volunteers.

Strengthening Social Supports – Safe Families for Children (SFFC) creates family-like support for families in our community by recruiting and vetting volunteers motivated by compassion. SFFC advances relational, physical and emotional health equity by preventing child abuse through hosting, supporting and stabilizing families in crisis by providing mentoring and referrals to appropriate resources and deflecting children from entering the child welfare system by keeping healthy families intact.

Support Group for Survivors – Bluff Country Family Resources is re-starting our in-person support group for victims/survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault for the first time since before the Covid-19 pandemic. This support group will be female-centered and allow participants to be in a community with women who have had similar experiences, learn from presenters and each other, and enjoy community outings that would otherwise be economically difficult to access.

Survivor’s Fund – New Horizons Shelter and Outreach’s Survivor’s Fund helps women avoid homelessness by covering gaps in rent to keep families housed and safe in our community. Funds are often used for the first month’s rent or security deposit, application fees, camera doorbells and the purchase of a new cell for and/or plan to ensure victims feel safe.

Training and Mentoring for Women Entrepreneurs* – The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation (WWBIC) will provide ten women entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in La Crosse County with one-on-one business mentoring, training, and access to responsible capital. This project aims to increase the success rate of women-owned businesses in promoting economic growth and empowerment for women entrepreneurs through one-on-one mentorship with La Crosse area business experts.

Training, Continuing Education, Technology and Peer Support for Women – Next Steps for Change, Inc is addressing the need for Peer Support for women with substance use disorders (SUD) who want to recover. This is done by offering training to hire more women with lived experience to be “Peers” and more funding for Peer Support to happen. They will provide the technology for those working with us to utilize our new data-tracking software to track outcomes and provide resources to serve women better.

Women and Girls Hygiene Program – WAFER, Inc will use funds to purchase hygiene supplies to supplement a shortfall in donated products and provide essential personal care products for girls, women, and their children. Providing personal care products for women and their children served by WAFER; encourages proper self-care, personal wellness, and socially acceptable hygiene habits, decreases risks for potential health or physical issues, and makes available equitable opportunities for personal growth and advancement.

Women’s Clothes Closet Hygiene, Sneakers and Leggings Project – Funds will be used to purchase items most needed by the women they serve, including period hygiene products, deodorant, sneakers and leggings. Receiving comfortable, stylish, safe, new, unopened items promotes dignity and self-esteem.

Women’s Craft Program – Coulee Recovery Center’s Women’s Craft Program is a step in our commitment to fill the gap in local gender-responsive addiction and recovery services. A woman in long-term recovery facilitates the Craft Program. She has become an asset to those who rely on mentor-ship, fellowship, self-confidence building, and sober recreational opportunities. This program has encouraged others with the skill of crafts to share their expertise and provide learning opportunities for others without asking for compensation.

Women Helping Girls – To build meaningful connections between female coaches and players on and off the field, Boys and Girls Club of Greater La Crosse will use funds to educate female coaches on proper mental health protocol, create “off the field” opportunities for our teams to connect via team outings and community service opportunities and provide uniforms & equipment to ensure players are safe and everyone can participate.

Women of Melanin* – Hope Restores’ Women of Melanin support group creates a supportive social environment to build confidence, connectedness, and resilience. Using a support-with-education model, Women of Melanin creates a sisterhood and increases knowledge, coping skills, and self-advocacy. Women identify specific personal goals they would like to achieve and learn about mental health, wellness and life skills.

Women’s Transportation Fund – Administered by La Crosse County, the Women’s Transportation Fund assists women experiencing transportation barriers that negatively impact their ability to gain or maintain self-sufficiency. It offers flexible funding to meet a variety of transportation-related needs. Over the past 17 years, approximately 1,212 women have benefitted from the WTF by receiving various transportation-related assistance.

*Grant made possible by the Helen K. Laux Field of Interest Fund dedicated to providing education assistance and support toward entrepreneurship, business ownership or empowerment of women and girls.

2022 Grantees

Annual Grants

  • Western Technical College- Access for Women’s Education 2022 (AWE) promotes self-sufficiency in low-income women and student parents from rural areas and marginalized single mother students through education and the mitigation of barriers women face that prevent success. AWE aims to increase peer support for single mother students by holding events and programming and assisting in making Western a more family-friendly campus.
  • Adult & Teen Challenge of Western Wisconsin- ATCWW Room to Bloom Garden is a year-long, inpatient drug and alcohol treatment program for women. In order to support their nutritional needs, this project has integrated a garden behind their facility that assists with holistic therapy that builds life-long skills, and self-esteem, and offers relief from emotional stressors.
  • Family Promise of Monroe County- Day Center for Homeless Families provides day center services for unhoused families, such as a space to apply for jobs, fill out rental applications, take care of their children, and receive case management. This also provides a location for school bus drop-off/pick-up. Funding will be used to make improvements to the center to serve families- such as washer/dryer hookups, shower/bath facilities, computer stations, and a kitchen area.
  • Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin- Empowering Health Education for Girls & Young Women program focuses on Community Outreach and Education staff working with educators and wellness staff at middle schools, high schools, post-secondary learning institutions, nonprofit agencies and correctional settings serving youth to provide education and outreach reaching 3,000 youth and adults (50% girls/women) in La Crosse.  Workshops will empower girls and young women to make the healthiest possible choices for their successful transition from the teen years into adulthood.
  • Hope Restores Corperation- Girl Groups program will support girls to grow up healthy, and learn how to be safe, educated, resilient, and independent. Girls will learn different lessons about self-respect, positive self-talk, healthy eating, body image, peer pressure, and bullying. The program will focus on fun community activities and events. Girls Groups will help girls be their best, culturally authentic selves.
  • GROW La Crosse- GROW Summer Farm Camp at Deep Roots Community is a non-profit program on a mission to connect youth with healthy food and nature through hands-on garden-based experiences to nourish growing minds and bodies. During summer, a total of 136 youth will have an opportunity to attend camps. GROW La Crosse will use the funding to provide scholarships to 20% of students during our fee-based camps. This program creates a supportive environment to help girls realize they are brilliant, creative, and fully capable of being the next generation of STEM leaders.
  • Onalaska School District- Menstrual Equity program is committed to providing free and equal access to period products. Many students often look to district staff to provide these products, and when funds run out, and they can no longer offer them, students have nowhere else to turn for these necessary products. No one should go without the essential supplies or have it interfere with their school day and attendance.
  • Boys & Girls Club of Greater La Crosse- Progress for Girl’s Athletics project will focus on continuing the expansion & relevance of girls’ athletic opportunities at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse (BGCGL) along with increasing community knowledge of the benefits of sports participation. BGCGL athletic programs are often a girl’s first organized sports experience. The program strives to offer the best experience possible to keep girls interested in sports for years to come. 
  • Cia Siab, Inc.- Rice Pantry Project Expansion intends to provide 200 Hmoob families with bulk rice and other nutritious food each month at Drive Thru Rice Pantry Project (RPP) events. RPP recipients are essential workers, female heads of household, elders, and youth.
  • La Crosse County Human Services- Southside/ Northside Moms United project creates a space where the La Crosse System of Care (SOC) hosts monthly groups, training and social activities that serve as a place for self-care, support and resource sharing for moms living in La Crosse.  The SOC provides meals, childcare and transportation as needed to help eliminate barriers to participation.   This project intends to continue these groups to create opportunities and change for women who otherwise would not have a voice.
  • Bluff Country Family Resources- Survivors Household Essentials provides victims/survivors and their families with essential household necessities that are both culturally specific and for universal use. 
  • Couleecap, Inc.- Technical Assistance for Women Entrepreneurs will be implemented through Couleecap’s Job & Business Development Program, which helps aspiring business owners turn their business idea into reality. This project helps develop strong business models such as business plan writing and other necessary business skills. Funding will be used to provide technical assistance and training to 10 low-moderate income female entrepreneurs in La Crosse and Monroe counties.
  • The Parenting Place- Unity Parent Cafe brings parents together to talk about issues that matter. Trained staff and parents host and plan an evening with food, childcare, and a comfortable casual setting in which parents sit in small groups guided to talk about specific questions. Unity Parent Cafe focuses on topics related to social justice, including race.
  • WAFER, Inc.- Women and Girls Hygiene Project provides personal care products for women and their children served by WAFER, encourages proper self-care, personal wellness, and socially acceptable hygiene habits, and creates equitable opportunities for personal growth and advancement. Program funds will be used to purchase to supplement a shortfall in donated products and provide essential personal care products for girls, women, and their children.  
  • Habitat for Humanity- La Crosse Area- Women Build program empowers women to build Habitat homes, letting them positively impact lives by making homeownership a reality for families. This project provides a comfortable atmosphere for women to gain skills & confidence by building with crew leaders and volunteers in an empowering environment as well as provides an outlet for community networking among low-income women and women struggling with the criminal justice system.
  • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church/ Women’s Clothes Closet- Women’s Clothes Closet Technology and Communication focuses on providing gently used clothes to women entering the workforce. To increase professionalism for the women they serve, these funds assist women in printing business cards, improving technology and communication, and creating community awareness of the WCC.
  • Coulee Council on Addictions- Women’s Craft Program is a step in a commitment to fill the gap in local gender-responsive addiction and recovery services.  The Craft Program is facilitated by a woman in long-term recovery. It has become an asset to those who rely on mentorship, fellowship, self-confidence building, and sober recreational opportunities.  This program has encouraged others, with the skill of crafts, to share their expertise and provide learning opportunities for others without asking for compensation.
  • New Horizon’s- Survivors Fund helps women avoid homelessness by covering gaps in rent to keep families housed and safe in our community.
  • La Crosse County- Womens’ Transportation Fund assists women experiencing transportation barriers that negatively impact their ability to gain or maintain self-sufficiency. It offers flexible funding to meet a variety of transportation-related needs. Over the past 17 years, approximately 1,212 women have benefitted from the WTF by receiving various transportation-related assistance.
  • YWCA- YWCA La Crosse CASA for Kids program eliminates and/or reduces the waiting list of court appointments for children in Monroe, Vernon, and La Crosse Counties, ensuring that victims of child abuse or neglect have access to an advocate who will work to ensure his/her safety, work towards his/her permanency, and ensure the well-being of the child.

    2021 Grantees

    Annual Grants

    • La Crosse County Health Dept – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers, Inc. – Survivor’s Fund
    • Western Technical College – Foundation Educational Access for Women Students
    • LGBT Resource Center for the Seven Rivers Region Inc. – Brightening the Rainbow
    • YWCA La Crosse – CASA for Kids
    • Couleecap, Inc. – Homeless Program
    • Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin – Empowering Health Education for Girls & Young Women in La Crosse
    • Blair Taylor School District – Feminine Hygiene
    • First Teen Clothes Closet – Ethnic Hair Kits
    • Family & Children’s Center – Healthy Families Program
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – Reviving Girls’ Athletics
    • Couleecap, Inc. – Skills Enhancement Program
    • La Crosse County Human Services – Southside/Northside Moms United
    • Bluff Country Family Resources – Survivors School
    • School District of La Crosse – Sustainable Period Project
    • Shelter Development Inc. – theExchange
    • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church – Women’s Clothes Closet
    • WAFER, Inc. – Women and Girls Hygiene Project
    • Bountiful Harvest of Faith Ministries, Inc. – Women of Melanin
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft program
    • The Salvation Army – Women’s Fund Assistance Program
    • YWCA La Crosse –  Justice Circles

    Additional Off-Cycle Grants

    • Boys and Girls Club of Greater La Crosse – Girls in construction
    2020 Grantees

    Annual Grants

    • La Crosse County Health Dept – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers, Inc. – Survivor’s Fund
    • YWCA La Crosse – Ruth House
    • Western Technical College – Foundation Educational Access for Women Students
    • The Salvation Army – Rent Assistance
    • UW-L Self-Sufficiency Program SSP – Academic Skills and More
    • WAFER, Inc. – Women and Girls Hygiene Project
    • Couleecap, Inc. – Homeless Programs
    • La Crosse County Human Services – Southside/Northside Moms United
    • Wisconsin Early Childhood Association (WECA) – Supporting Child Care Programs During COVID19 Through the WI Early Education Shared Services Network
    • School District of La Crosse – Healing & Hope
    • Family & Children’s Center – Healthy Families Program
    • theExchange/Shelter Development Inc. – theExchange
    • Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse – Back to School
    • Marine Credit Union Foundation -Finding HOME (Hope, Opportunity, Mastery, Empowerment)
    • Couleecap, Inc. – Skills Enhancement Program
    • Cia Siab, Inc. – Viv Ncaus Sawv Ua Ke: Hmoob Womxn Intergenerational Healing Retreat
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft program
    • First Teen Clothes Closet – Ethnic Hair Kits
    • YWCA La Crosse –  Justice Circles
    • GROW La Crosse – Empowered Girls
    • Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin – Empowering Health Education for Girls & Young Women in La Crosse
    • Bluff Country Family Resources – Survivor II Investment Fund
    • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church – Women’s Clothes Closet

    Additional Off-Cycle Grants

    • La Crosse County Health Dept – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • Couleecap/Coulee Region Immigrant Task Force – Period products for immigrant families
    • School District of La Crosse – Installation of free pad & tampon dispensers
    • La Crosse Community Foundation – La Crosse Area Emergency Response Fund
    2019 Grantees
    • AAUW – Equal Means Equal Film screening
    • Aptiv Foundation – 2019 Miss RemarkAble Pageant
    • Big Brothers Big Sisters of the 7 Rivers Region – Big Sisters Little Sisters Service Learning
    • Bluff Country Family Resources – Women and Girls Empowerment
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – Junior Girls Mentoring Program on the North Side
    • Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse – Care packages for homeless women
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft Program
    • Couleecap, Inc. – Homeless Programs
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • First Teen Clothes Closet – First Teen Clothes Closet Racially Diverse Hair Kits
    • FSPA Franciscan Spirituality Center – Girls Connect: Developing Mindfulness in Adolescent Girls
    • GROW La Crosse – Empowered Girls Camp
    • Habitat for Humanity- La Crosse Area – Women Build Educational Program
    • Independent Living Resources – Recovery Avenue’s Women Supporting Women Group
    • La Crosse Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation – Leadercast Women
    • La Crosse County Health Department – The Women’s Transportation Fund
    • La Crosse County Historical Society – Juxtapose Exhibit
    • La Crosse County Human Services – Southside and Northside Mom’s United
    • Mississippi Valley Conservancy – Partners Empowering Women Outdoors
    • New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers, Inc. – Survivors’ Fund
    • School District of La Crosse – Hamilton Elementary-Community School Initiative
    • The Parenting Place – Dinner and Diapers
    • The Salvation Army – Rent Assistance
    • UW-L Self-Sufficiency Program – Writing and Math Instruction
    • WAFER, Inc. – Women and Girls Hygiene Project
    • Western Technical College Foundation – Educational Access for Women 2019
    • YWCA La Crosse – Ruth House
    • YWCA La Crosse – Teen LEAD
    2018 Grantees
    • Aptiv – Miss RemarkAble Pageant
    • Bluff Country Family Resources – Survivor Future Investment Fund
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – “Time with Laquita” mentoring program
    • Catholic Charities – Care Packages for Homeless Women
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft Program
    • Couleecap – Transitional Housing Program
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration – Survivors Safe and Free event sponsorship
    • Independent Living Resources – RAVE Women Supporting Women support group
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • La Crosse County Human Services – La Crosse Area Family Collaborative
    • Mississippi Valley Conservancy – Women in Conservation internship
    • New Horizons – Survivor’s Fund
    • The Parenting Place – Play Groups for Positive Relationships
    • The Salvation Army – Rental Assistance
    • UW-L Self Sufficiency Program
    • WAFER – Menstrual Products Pantry
    • Western Technical College – Educational Access for Women
    • YWCA La Crosse – Ruth House, Teen LEAD
    2017 Grantees
    • Big Brothers Big Sisters – REnew Activities
    • Bluff Country Family Resources – Eliminating Roadblocks to Safety Fund
    • Boys and Girls Club of Greater La Crosse – Smart Girls Program
    • Catholic Charities – Care Packages for Homeless Women
    • Consumer Credit Counseling – Financial Education and Budget Counseling
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft Program
    • Couleecap – Transitional Housing Program
    • Essential Health Clinic – Puberty Curriculum Expansion
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • Habitat for Humanity – Women Build Program
    • Hunger Task Force – I’m Hungry Project
    • Independent Living Resources – Independent Living Program
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • La Crosse County Human Services – La Crosse Area Family Collaborative
    • New Horizons – Survivors Fund
    • Riverfront – Miss RemarkAble Pageant
    • The Parenting Place – Play Groups for Positive Relationships
    • The Salvation Army – Rental Assistance
    • University of Wisconsin La Crosse – Self-Sufficiency Program
    • WAFER – Women’s Hygiene Project
    • Western Technical College – Educational Access for Women
    • YWCA La Crosse – Ruth House, Teen LEAD
    2016 Grantees
    • New Horizons Shelter – Survivor’s Fund
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • WTC – Education Access for Women
    • YWCA – CASA for kids program
    • UWL Self Sufficiency – SSP Pre College Skills & Sustaining the Educational Journey Project
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Women’s Craft Program
    • Couleecap, Inc – Transitional Housing Program
    • WAFER – Women and Children Hygiene needs
    • The Parenting Place – Play Groups for Positive Relationships Among Parents
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • La Crosse County Health Department – 2017 HPV Education & Awareness Campaign
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Safe Sleep/Cribs for Kids
    • Independent Living Resources – Independent Living Program
    • Independent Living Resources – RAVE
    • Catholic Charities – Back to School Project
    • YWCA – Teen LEAD
    • YWCA – Ruth House
    • Bluff Country Family Resources  – Housing Supports
    • Riverfront Activity Center, Inc – Miss Remarkable Pageant
    • The Salvation Army – Rental Assistance and Personal Hygiene
    • Our Savior’s Lutheran Church – The Essentials: Undergarments & Hygiene
    • Consumer Counseling of La Crosse – Financial Education & Budget Counseling
    • La Crosse County Human Services – La Crosse Area Family Collaborative
    • The Hunger Task Force – I’m Hungry Project
    2015 Grantees
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • New Horizons Shelter – Survivor’s Fund
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • WTC – Education Access for Women
    • YWCA – CASA for kids program
    • UWL Self Sufficiency – The Learning Journey continues
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Helping Women Recover Scholarship Fund and Craft Program\
    • Boys and Girls Clubs – Jr Smart Girls
    • Couleecap, Inc – Couleecap Transitional Housing Program
    • WAFER – Women’s Hygiene needs
    • The Parenting Place – Free diaper project
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Coulee Region Immunization Coalitions Preteen & Teen Vaccination Catholic
    • Independent Living Resources – Independent Living Program
    • YMCA – New Moves for Girls and the Teen Center
    • Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse – Transition from Homelessness
    • YWCA of the Coulee Region – Ruth House
    • Gundersen Health – Use of Mobile Media to enhance care of pregnant women with addictions
    • Big Brothers Big Sisters – Girls RULE (Respect, Unity, Leadership and Empowerment)
    • Riverfront Activity Center, Inc – Miss Remarkable Pageant
    • The Salvation Army – Tampons for Women who are Homeless
    2014 Grantees
    • African American Mutual Asst. Network – Healthy Foods for kids
    • Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse – Wages for Transitional Jobs
    • Couleecap, Inc – Couleecap Transitional Housing Program
    • Family & Children’s Center – Healthy Families
    • Family & Children’s Center – Hope Academy
    • La Crosse County Aging – Caregiver Coach Program
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Women’s Transportation Fund
    • La Crosse County Health Department – Coulee Region Immunization Coalitions Preteen & Teen Vaccination
    • The American Red Cross – NAT Scholarship
    • The Salvation Army – Helpful kid stuff
    • UWL Self Sufficiency – Pre-college Skills Class
    • WAFER – Women’s Hygiene needs
    • Boys and Girls Clubs – Jr Smart Girls
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – Helping Women Recover Scholarship Fund and Craft Program
    • Independent Living Resources – Independent Living Program
    • YMCA – New Moves for Girls and the Teen Center
    • The Parenting Place – Brown Bag Parent Education
    • YWCA – CASA for kids program
    • New Horizons Shelter – Survivor’s Fund
    • WTC – Education Access for Women
    2013 Grantees
    • WAFER for personal hygiene products
    • Gundersen Medical Foundation – Y Teen Center
    • New Horizons Shelter
    • Family and Children Center – Healthy Families child abuse prevention
    • Family and Children Center – HOPE Academy (teen moms and babes)
    • Alzheimer’s Association Woman to Woman Program
    • Coulee Council on Addictions—Women Recovery
    • Parenting Place parent/child development program
    • Great Rivers 211 women awareness about
    • UWL Single Parent Self Sufficiency Program
    • Western Tech Foundation education and testing fees
    • Our Saviors Women’s Clothes Closet
    • CouleeCap – Transitional housing
    • La Crosse County – Aging Unit – caregiver coach
    • La Crosse County – Community Liaison transportation fund
    • Salvation Army
    • Independent Living Resources
    • Wafer
    • Coulee Council on Addictions
    2012 Grantees
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program to provide refresher courses in math and
    • Family & Children’s Center – to provide services, promote opportunity, health and self-sufficiency to a single-woman lead family
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – for Jr. Smart Girls which promotes healthy attitudes and lifestyle choices to girls in 3rd through 5th grade
    • YWCA of the Coulee Region – to provide employment training for disadvantaged women lacking job skills and self-sufficiency
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • HOPE Academy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Western Technical College – assistance for low-income women to obtain their GED and/or pursue higher education
    • Couleecap, Inc. – funding to support households headed by women to become self-sufficient.
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – to purchase light fixtures and fans
    • The Parenting Place – to provide assistance to women who wish to open or maintain an in-home childcare business
    • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation – to support a program that will allow adolescent girls to develop skills in leadership, marketing and fundraising as well as creativity and communication
    • New Horizons Shelter & Outreach Centers – assistance to eliminate the barriers for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment and allow them to become self-sufficient
    • The Salvation Army – funding for a program which will provide childcare for women using the shelter while they look for employment
    2011 Grantees
    • WAFER – to purchase feminine hygiene products for women using the food pantry
    • New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers – assistance to eliminate the barriers for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or harassment and allow them to become self-sufficient
    • Western Technical College – assistance for low-income women to obtain their GED and/or pursue higher education
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – to purchase socks, underwear and bras and for women who are working or seeking employment
    • The Salvation Army – to purchase feminine hygiene products for women who are underemployed and/or homeless
    • YWCA of the Coulee Region – to provide employment training for disadvantaged women lacking job skills and self-sufficiency
    • Hmong Mutual Assistance Association – La Crosse Area – for a leadership retreat that will address issues affecting women such as self-esteem, traditional gender roles and inequity as well as domestic and sexual violence
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • The Parenting Place – to provide 150 women and children scholarships to attend the carnival
    • Family & Children’s Center – to provide services, promote opportunity, health and self-sufficiency to a single-woman lead family
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program to provide refresher courses in math and composition
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program Student Parent Community – for a support network to help student mothers become self-sufficient while advancing through college
    • Workforce Connections – to provide a unique opportunity for single mothers to enter a high-paying apprenticeships in the energy sector that will enable them to become self-sufficient
    • Hamilton Dance Shoppe – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, after-school supervised environment
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    2010 Grantees
    • Hunger Task Force – to purchase and supply community food programs with personal hygiene products such as
      toothpaste, toilet paper, shampoo, and feminine hygiene items
    • Family Resources – to provide 150 women and children scholarships to attend the carnival
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – for SMART Girls on the Go which promotes healthy attitudes and lifestyle choices to adolescent girls
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • A Place of Grace – to provide assistance in emergency situations when no other sources of funding or shelter are available
    • New Horizons Shelter and Women’s Center – to provide financial assistance to domestic violence and sexual assault victims
    • UW-La Crosse Continue Education and Extension – sponsorship for the Re-Claiming Girlhood Conference which will provide tools and strategies to understand, resist and counteract the sexualization of girlhood
    • Western Technical College Foundation – assistance for women enrolling in non-traditional career programs
    • Hamilton Dance Shoppe – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, after-school supervised environment
    • Family & Children’s Center – to provide services, promote opportunity, health and self-sufficiency to a single-woman lead family
    • YWCA of the Coulee Region – to provide employment training for disadvantaged women lacking job skills and self-sufficiency
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program to provide refresher courses in math and composition
    • LGBT Resource Center for the Seven Rivers Region – to teach skills and provide knowledge on self-defense and safety
    • WAFER – to purchase feminine products for women using the food pantry
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Coulee Region Transitional Housing Ministry Our Saviors Lutheran Church – to provide emergency assistance and support services to women in shelter or in transitional housing
    2009 Grantees
    • Western Technical College Foundation – assistance for women enrolling in non-traditional career programs
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program to provide refresher courses I math and composition
    • Hamilton and Franklin After School Program – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, after-school supervised environment
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – for SMART Girls on the Go which promotes healthy attitudes and lifestyle choices to adolescent girls
    • Christ Episcopal Church – to support the Hmong Sewing Program where women of all ages learn sewing and quilting
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Family & Children’s Center – housing and transportation assistance for female youth aging out of the foster care system
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – to purchase personal hygiene products for women
    • Domestic Violence Intervention Project – to assist domestic violence victims and their families with gift cards for emergency assistance
    2008 Grantees
    • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation – to support an event raising awareness of domestic violence and elder abuse
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program to provide refresher courses in math and composition
    • Hamilton and Franklin After School Program – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, supervised environment
    • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation/Unity House for Women – to purchase drums and stands for residents
    • Family Resources – scholarships to women and children to attend the Children’s Summer Festival
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – for SMART Girls on the Go which promotes healthy attitudes and lifestyle choices to adolescent girls
    • New Horizons Shelter and Women’s Center – to make wheelchair accessibility modifications
    • Christ Episcopal Church – to support the Hmong Sewing Program where women of all ages learn sewing and quilting
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for registration fees for teen mothers to obtain their GEDs
    • WAFER, Inc. – to purchase feminine products for women using WAFER
    • Children’s Museum of La Crosse – admission passes given to local human service organizations for clients and their families
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – to purchase locks, signs and socks
    2007 Grantees
    • Christ Episcopal Church – to support the Hmong Sewing Program where women of all ages learn sewing and quilting
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – purchase of locks, a vacuum cleaner and a bench for the shoe department
    • La Crosse County Association for Home and Community Education – book sets will be given and read to preschoolers
    • Children’s Museum of La Crosse – admission passes given to local human service organizations for clients and their families
    • UW-La Crosse Self-Sufficiency Program – scholarships for Self-Sufficiency graduates
    • Western Technical College Foundation – support for Women’s Fund accounts for GED and registration fees
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficiency
    • Hamilton and Franklin After School Program – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, supervised environment
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – educating recovering women on the importance of health, leisure and social education
    • Viterbo University – CARING: For Victims of Domestic Violence to help women at New Horizons Women’s Shelter focus on their own health and wellness and that of their children
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support for registration fees for teen mothers to obtain their GEDs
    • Coulee Region Transitional Housing Ministry – providing utility hook up and/or legal assistance
    2006 Grantees
    • Options In Reproductive Care – support age-appropriate workshops to help teen girls learn “The 7 Respect Basics”
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – a multi-faceted program for women to mentor other women recovering from addiction
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – purchase room dividers and improve air conditioning
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • Learning Together Family Literacy – support a program that allows single teen mothers to move towards self-sufficiency
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – for a project to promote healthy attitudes and choices that will enable girls to reach their potential
    • Hamilton and Franklin After School Program – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, supervised environment
    • La Crosse County Health Department – to promote wellness in the life of Hmong women
    • Family & Children’s Center – support Healthy Families which prevents child abuse before it begins
    • UW-L Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program at the Hamilton Family Learning Center to assist women in developing and improving writing, math and computer skills
    • Family Resources & New Horizons – to help with educator fees and supplies
    • La Crosse Jail Ministry – to help incarcerated women stay in contact with their children by recording storybooks & personal messages
    • La Crosse Jail Ministry – provide underclothing for incarcerated indigent women
    • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation – provide support for victims of domestic violence
    2005 Grantees
    • Alzheimer’s Association – educational materials for women caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
    • Coulee Region Mediation and Restorative Justice – anger management classes for women in the La Crosse County Jail
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – support for “The Courage to Craft” a program to provide leisure activities for women in recovery; and “Women’s Outreach” to provide transportation, information and referral services to women with potential substance abuse issues
    • Hamilton After School Program – K-5 girls learn dance in a safe, supervised environment
    • La Crosse County Community Liaison Program – support for the “Women’s Transportation Fund” to provide assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that impact their ability to be self-sufficient
    • Options in Reproductive Care – to fund “Mother/Daughter Nights – Talking about the Tough Stuff”
    • UW-L Self-Sufficiency Program – adult education program at the Hamilton Family Learning Center to assist women in developing and improving writing, math and computer skills
    • Workforce Connections, Inc – to provide a YES AmeriCorps member to develop a business entrepreneurship program with 14-18 year old women at Logan LaCrossRoads High School
    2004 Grantees
    • Central High School – students record and preserve memories and experiences of military women serving our country
    • Community Liaison Program of La Crosse County – provides assistance to women experiencing transportation problems that negatively impact their ability to be self sufficient
    • Coulee Council on Addictions – recovering women have a venue to give and receive support
    • Gertrude Salzer Gordon Children’s Museum of La Crosse – “Girl Power Overnight” scholarships to girls to learn and enhance their physical, emotional and societal power
    • Hamilton Elementary School – dance lessons for girls to increase their self-confidence, enhance self-esteem, improve communication skills, build healthy bodies and encourage teamwork
    • Lincoln Middle School – assistance to low income girls to obtain physicals needed to participate in sports
    • Options in Reproductive Care – a program to increase employability of low income women by helping them set attainable education and career goals
    • Women’s Clothes Closet – a computer and printer purchase
    • WWTC Opportunity Center – provides financial assistance to low-income women for GED, HSED or driver’s education
    2024 Grantees

    Bridges Health for Women’s Health*—Bridges Health will implement an evidence-based educational intervention that provides culturally appropriate sex education using an innovative app. This program will reach girls and women ages 14+ in Trempealeau and Houston County, focusing on girls and women who self-identify as Latina.


    Dual Doula and CHW in Monroe County*—To provide complete care and services to families experiencing a housing crisis, Families First will provide Doula training for a current Community Health Worker (CHW). This CHW will then be able to help identify and secure housing, support the health and pregnancy needs of their female clients, and ensure all basic needs are met.


    Empower Her *—Western Technical College’s Empower Her program promotes self-sufficiency in women—with an additional focus on low-income, justice-involved mothers and otherwise marginalized women—by mitigating educational barriers. The project assists with certification/licensure fees, supplies, assessments, background check fees, housing, transportation, and other unexpected expenses.


    Empowering Our Community (EOC): Enhancing Resources, Connection, & Programs in the 7 Rivers Region*—This project aims to bolster resources and support for femme-identified LGBTQ individuals in the Seven Rivers region through three main strategies: expanding gender-affirming resources, creating a family-friendly environment, and developing femme-centered programming. The Center: 7 Rivers LGBTQ Connection will use funds to enhance services like the Fresh Out of the Closet program, improve family-friendly spaces, provide age-appropriate essentials, and increase programming while fostering a stronger sense of community and inclusion.


    Ethnic Hair Kits—First Teen Clothes Closet (FTCC) will purchase specialized hair care products for teens with Afro-textured hair. This project provides essential hair care products to teens in financial need and recognizes that people have different hair and skin needs. Where possible, products will be purchased through a Black businesswoman in the haircare industry.


    Farm to Early Care and Education Conference for Child Care Professionals—The Parenting Place will host a Childcare Conference in October 2024 centered around Farm to Early Care and Education. This conference will be an all-day event held in La Crosse that will support these, primarily women, business owners in implementing Farm to ECE practices to support child nutrition, the financial viability of their business, and children’s social and emotional well-being. The event will be designed to offer networking opportunities for ongoing support.  


    Health Education for Girls & Young Women in La Crosse—Planned Parenthood of Western Wisconsin will partner with educators and wellness staff at middle/high schools, local colleges (UW La Crosse, Viterbo, Western Tech), and nonprofit agencies to provide education and outreach reaching 2,500 youth and adults (54% girls/women) in La Crosse. The project will empower girls/young women to make healthy choices as they enter adulthood and improve access to barrier methods that prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. 


    Hope Restores Girls’ Groups**—Hope Restores offers two support groups for African American girls five times a year, eight weeks each, impacting 100 girls. It’s essential to build healthy mental health habits at an early age. Through a supportive community, young Black girls connect with others who look like them, connect with community resources and education, and reconnect with their selves to build lives that promote thriving. Little Women of Melanin gathers girls ages 5-10 and the Girls Group ages 11 to 18.  


    La Crosse Moms United—Since December 2018, the La Crosse System of Care has hosted monthly groups, training and social activities that serve as a place for self-care, support and resource sharing for marginalized moms and female caregivers living in La Crosse. The SOC provides meals, childcare, and transportation, as needed, to help eliminate barriers to participation. This project intends to continue these groups to create opportunities and change for women who otherwise would not have a voice.


    New Horizons Survivors Fund 2024—New Horizons Shelter and Outreach Centers provides financial assistance to victims and survivors of abuse through their Survivors Fund. The Survivors Fund is an unrestricted pot of money that enhances victims’ safety and empowers recipients toward self-sufficiency and financial stability.


    Path To Healing: A Women’s Support Group for Survivors—Bluff Country Family Resources started an in-person, all-female support group for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in August 2023 and has seen great success with clients building supportive relationships with one another and our facilitators. A strong foundation of trust and vulnerability has been established between these clients, and they are now moving toward more healing-centered work. This work will be achieved by using several different methods of acceptance and resilience work.


    REAL GIRLS- State Road Edition!**—REAL Girls is a 10-week after-school program for State Road 4th and 5th-grade girls. Regular meetings will do several things intended to invest in girls’ and convey the message, “You are worth it!” Our goals are to encourage and support girls, introduce them to healthy opportunities, give them a safe place to discuss their struggles, practice leadership skills, and challenge them physically to train for and participate in a 5K race.


    REAL Girls Running Program*—Rising Athletes will implement the REAL Girls Program in multiple elementary schools in the School District of La Crosse. The program consists of two weekly meetings where girls train to run a 5K. Along with the training, these meetings will allow girls to develop essential skills such as emotional regulation, self-confidence, and perseverance as they work towards a goal.


    Restorative Practices*—YWCA La Crosse will support and expand Justice Circles to include Empower Girls, which promotes conflict resolution and open dialogues and works to reduce systemic and institutional discrimination through restorative practices in schools. Research shows this approach is particularly beneficial for female students, especially in light of the CDC report in 2023, which found this demographic group is currently struggling with mental health more than any other group.


    She Hlub Support Group for Hmoob Girls and Young Women*—Cia Siab, Inc.’s She Hlub centers on the needs of Hmoob girls and young women (age 12-24) who identify as survivors of interpersonal and institutional violence. The program provides free round-trip transportation, fresh Hmoob food, on-site childcare, and thoughtful opportunities for culturally grounded discussions and healing activities at each weekly peer support group meeting. We intend to supplement our weekly programming with one survivor-led overnight educational retreat each year.

    Training and Mentoring for Women Entrepreneurs**—The Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Support Corporation (WWBIC) will provide 15 women entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in La Crosse County with one-on-one business mentoring, training, and access to responsible capital. This project aims to increase the success rate of women-owned businesses and promote economic growth and empowerment for women entrepreneurs through one-on-one mentorship with La Crosse area entrepreneurial experts.


    WINN (What I Need Now)*—WINN is a mobile mission outreach to the unsheltered in our region. It serves homeless adult women and men where they are in the community, providing immediate relief supplies and ongoing support through referrals to supportive community agencies that offer shelter, housing, healthcare and employment. Supplies will be specific to women and include bottled water, non-perishable food, hygiene products and essential clothing items. WINN also meets individual needs, such as exact size/particular clothing as needed.


    Women in Crisis Fund*—Administered by La Crosse County, the Women in Crisis Fund is a limited-time fund designated to fill identified gaps in community resources. This flexible fund is a last resort after all other known options have been thoroughly investigated. It eliminates barriers and provides a pathway to financial self-sufficiency.


    Women’s Transportation Fund—Administered by La Crosse County, the Women’s Transportation Fund exists to aid women experiencing transportation-related barriers. These challenges negatively impact their ability to carry out daily needs, work toward school or employment-related goals, and maintain self-sufficiency. The fund offers flexible funding to meet a variety of transportation-related needs. Over the past 20 years, approximately 1,658 women have benefitted from the Women’s Transportation Fund by receiving various transportation-related assistance.

    Video Security Camera, Bras and Sanitary Products Project—The Women’s Clothes Closet (WCC) provides a unique shopping expeirience will use funds to pruchase a video security camera to ensure the safety of volunteers and clients and to purchase high-demand items such as sanitary products and bras.


    Women’s Craft Program—The Women’s Craft Program is a step in the Coulee Recovery Center’s commitment to fill the gap in local gender-responsive addiction and recovery services. Facilitated by a woman in long-term recover, the Craft Program has become an asset to those who rely on mentorship, fellowship, self-confidence building, and sober recreational opportunities. This program has encouraged others with the skill of crafts to share their expertise and provide learning opportunities for others without asking for compensation.


    *New in 2024

    **Helen K. Laux Field of Interest Fund

    2003 Grantees
    • Community Liaison Program – Women’s Transportation Assistance Fund
    • Coulee Council on Addictions, Inc. – Women’s Craft Social
    • Essential Health Clinic/Options in Reproductive Care – Mother-Daughter Night: Talking about the Tough Stuff
    • Francisan Skemp Healthcare – Exploring Body Image
    • School District of La Crosse- Hamilton – Hood Park Hip Hop
    • Self-Sufficiency Program – SSP Pre-College Skills Workshops
    • Western Technical College Foundation – Revolving Account
    • Workforce Connections, Inc. – Girls Experiencing Science
    • YWCA La Crosse – Transitional Housing Program
    • YWCA La Crosse – YWCA CASA for Kids Program
    2002 Grantees
    • Children’s Museum of La Crosse – Girl Power Camp-in
    • Coulee Region Mediation and Restorative Justice – Working with Juvenile Offenders
    • Essential Health Clinic – Options in Reproductive Care – Interpreters by Telephone
    • Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation – Eating Disorders Treatment Program
    • School District of La Crosse & Misty’s Dance – Arts in Motion
    • The Salvation Army – Children’s Playroom
    • YWCA La Crosse – CASA for Kids
    2001 Grantees
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – SMART Girls
    • Children’s Museum of La Crosse – Girl Power Camp-in
    • Family Resources – National Refugee & Immigrant Women Leadership Conference
    • New Horizons Shelter & Outreach Centers – Transitional Housing Program
    • YWCA La Crosse – The Women Inmate Nurturing Program
    2000 Grantees
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – SMART Girls
    • CESA #4 – La Crosse Choices Task Force
    • Domestic Violence Intervention Program – Sexual Assault Education Program
    • Museum of Modern Technology – Amazing Girl Scientists
    • New Horizons Shelter & Outreach Centers – Transitional Housing Program
    1999 Grantees
    • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse – SMART Girls
    • Essential Health Clinic/Options in Reproductive Care – Hmong Interpreter
    • La Crosse Jail Ministry – The Storybook Project
    • New Horizons Shelter & Outreach Centers – Financial Support for Advisory Board